This project is aimed at helping underprivileged girls get equality in education so that they can get the right guidance, tools, and information needed to build a career. When young girls are taught/educated from an early age, they know their rights and can identify discrimination.

Unfortunately, more than half of the school dropouts in India are girls. So, they can’t even identify when they are being discriminated against, abused, or used brutally.

It’s time we change that and help young girls know their rights, be more aware, get the right education and have enough confidence to raise their voice.

Though getting an education from an early age is critical for any child’s development, we also cater to the educational needs of the girls who were forced to drop out of school and help them build a better future.

In addition to providing education, we also offer healthcare, food, and shelter to undernourished girls. Our team also educates young girls/women and their families on societal evils like child abuse, child marriage, physical, mental, and emotional abuse. This knowledge can help prevent crimes against young girls/women and report crimes on time.

To know more about the project, participate in it (directly or indirectly) or donate to it, click here.