No Shipping Policy

Thank you for your interest in supporting The Pushpa Narendra Foundation. We are a non-profit organization that does not ship physical products in exchange for donations. Your donation will be used to support our programs and services, which include:

  • Community development
  • Children’s education
  • Women’s empowerment
  • Healthcare
  • Disaster relief

We understand that some people may be disappointed that we do not ship physical products. However, we believe that our donations are more effective when they are used to support our programs and services.

If you have any questions about our no shipping policy, please contact us at . We would be happy to answer your questions.

Thank you for your support!

We appreciate your support of The Pushpa Narendra Foundation. Your donation will help us to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

We hope this clarifies our no shipping policy. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.